A little mystery. The Artists Discussions Series sponsored by the San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild allows artists to show their work to a group of other interested artists. It's great to get informed feedback. On Saturday, September 8, I showed "Sasha". The young model was striking and I left it up to the audience to come up with their own version of his story. What's yours?
I am off on a brand new adventure. I have always wanted to have some of my work, my teaching experience, my future projects and dreams all in one place. With this website, already, I have experienced terrific feedback from fellow artists, friends and professional organizations I belong to. I am the Historian for the San DIego Museum of Art Artists Guild. In that role, I have been involved in researching a century of history for the Guild's Centenary Publication 100 Artist, 100 Years: A Century of San Diego Art. More to follow about the book. See www.sdmaag.org for the Guild's website and our Facebook page sdmaag.org. I am an Associate Membe of ISAP the Internatioal Society of Acrylic Painters www.isap-online.wildapricot.org.
Jody AbssyArt Inspires me as an artist and teacher. Sharing my love of art is what this blog is all about. ArchivesCategories |